Terms & Conditions.

The simple ins and outs of how we work.


  • Turnaround time: Is only an estimate as it depends on many factors. We aim to beat it but from time to time we run late. If a job is needed on a specific date and no later please communicate that to us before we start.
  • Unlimited revisons: Jobs that are based on hourly rate pricing have no limit to the amount of revision rounds. Jobs are kept open indefinately until approved. However they are subject to Monthly Invoicing as stated in the pricing section below.
  • Limited revisons: Jobs that are based on fixed pricing have limited revisions. Usually Rev0, Rev1, Rev2, Rev3. Please note that revisions required after Rev3 will be charged for on our current hourly rate.
  • Time sheets: Available upon request. Standard: Charge is (half of the current hourly rate). Premium: Free. If ordered, detailed time sheets are sent with the monthly invoice only.


  • Hourly rate: We use a simple hourly rate so that you only pay for the work that is done.
  • Monthly invoicing: All hourly rate work, carried out during a month is invoiced during or close to the end of the same month.
  • Minimum charge: Standard: There is a 30 minute minimum charge per revision round. Premium: No minimum charge per revision.
  • Round Up: Minutes are rounded up when invoicing. Eg. 3h22m will be rounded up to 3h30m (3.5 hours).
  • Urgent work: A 20% urgency fee will be added to each revision that is requested earlier than scheduled if we are able to assist.
  • Billable items: The following are billed separately with fixed pricing: 3D Renders. Stock Images. Please request pricing.


  • Supplied Format: We prefer artwork supplied in the latest version Adobe Illustrator with all fonts active and a links folder included. Please ask your designer to use the “Package” feature in Adobe Illustrator when putting together the files.